Object of our worship: Michel Polnareff
F R I D A Y, 1 2 M A Y
Pa left early for Glasgow so Ma took us to school. I'd hardly climbed the steps of R Hut when Anya slid up to me and tore S.L.C. from out of my satchel - she couldn't wait a moment longer! Needless to say, she couldn't get over the Polnareff photos - the whole day she kept having a sneak at them!
We asked lots of people what they thought of him; Sandra said, "Ugh, he's horrible" but Alison W said, "isn't he sweet", which was WONDERFUL. It's not just that he looks good-looking in that photo of him sitting cross-legged, he looks beautiful. It's perfectly possible for men to look beautiful as well as women. Finkelstein managed it. It entirely shows through your character.
At dinner break Anya and me went into the little shed by R Hut to discuss the Official French Pop Music Club of Britain (which, ahem, we're going to form one day). We were so deep in discussion we didn't notice someone had locked us in!!! It was so hilarious - we couldn't get out of the little window at the back and we couldn't shout loud enough to tell anyone we were there. Then Miss McLaren went past and we had to bend down so she wouldn't see us - I nearly died. At last Jane Davis went past and we yelled at her and she let us out.
A princess from Thailand visited today and in Current Events Miss K told us about her views on Vietnam. Thailand is absolutely terrified that if the Americans move out, China will over-run Thailand and that'll be the end of them.
Got a ghastly sort of pain on the left like from a stitch - I must have exerted myself too much. It went though.
Finished Australia and trade - after all that sitting down I got back-of-waist pains again. So glad we're going to the boat tomorrow, I need a change.
Crickey. I haven't seen Dutronc for five weeks, I hate the way time flies. Does he ever thinks of me?