Tony Blackburn on the Breakfast Show, early in '67. Pop went the pirates that summer, including Wonderful Radio London, and the golden era of music radio ended.
T H U R S D A Y, 1 1 M A Y
I woke up at five worrying about waist pains, and made my mind up not to go to school, but when I got up I decided I'd better. Marvellous weather again so wore my summer dress at last. And it's not too long - when I walk it pulls up.
We went to the Cabbage Patch at lunch again - with my transistor. Lucy says that at her brother's school they've got this good-looking young music teacher called Simon May, who's in a pop group called The Armpits!!!
Anna-Maria and Chump came up later too and we all danced to some fab songs on Radio London.
In History Miss K got onto the lady who came from the Russian Embassy yesterday; when she was asked a question about religion in Russia she didn't know how to answer because everyone born after the Revolution simply doesn't believe in God and has never been brought up to. I never realised before.
'Salut les Copains' came today. Sweet photos of Adamo, and of Antoine in Greece, and the most beautiful picture of Polnareff I have ever seen. I couldn't believe it, he's actually a SNAZZ! Of course I had to ring up Anya - she was boiling over with jealousy. I'll take it to school tomorrow.
We watched 'Frost Report' in the evening - it was on the countryside and terribly funny. This little boy thought they cut cows in half to get the milk out - he was adorable.
“A note on Simon May”
Simon May, who had a hit with 'The Summer of My Life' in 1976, went on to become a successful composer of theme tunes, including the brilliant 'Eastenders'.