"The slaughter that went on is incredible. What humanity has gone through."
M O N D A Y, 6 N O V
Wore black corduroy skirt and green jumper.
Everyone teased Anya about Friday’s party, poor thing! But Lucy met a nice tall boy called Adrian and Martha met someone called Robert. Pam didn’t go because she went to a marvellous concert in Kingston instead. She saw Traffic, the Who, the Herd, the Move and the Tremeloes. Though I don’t like any of them I would have loved to go because of Dave Mason, the chap in Traffic. He looks just like Polnareff.
Spent ages queueing up for Tuck Stop.
It’s marvellous: Martha has been converted! She adores Polnareff’s music: she borrowed all Tig’s records and taped them! She’s having a party at Christmas.
“On ITV there was a very good programme on the 50th anniversary of the Russian Revolution. ”
The slaughter that went on is incredible. Once a large crowd visited the Tzar to ask for better wages and were shot at without warning; the whole lot fell to the ground. What humanity has gone through. As Lenin passed through the backstreets of London and thought about the difference between the rich and the poor he remarked they were “two nations”.
For once I’m pleased with my hair. It’s thick and it's got a reddish glint. (It looks fab up, but it won’t stay there.)
"Pam's so lucky, she didn’t go because she went to a marvellous concert in Kingston instead."