"Lanterns from pumpkins everywhere!" Photo: @staticflux
S U N D A Y, 5 N O V
Anya and me did homework in separate rooms. I spent three whole hours on one German prose, then found it was the wrong one.
Had gorgeous pork and crackling for lunch.
About 6pm we got ready for the party. Anya and me put red circles on our cheeks and drew lashes below our eyes; she wore a curtain like a cloak, I wore a sun hat! Everyone who came was from Chump’s year. I met them by torch light at the gate and Anya escorted them to the uninhabited Grange. First we had fireworks on the terrace - lanterns from pumpkins everywhere! We had sausage rolls, potatoes in jackets, chocolate crunchies and our transistors blaring out in the huge oak lounge which was lit with candles. Then we roamed all over the house, with torches.
“They loved it, it was terribly spooky. Lots of screaming!”
Then dispersed back to our house, where we decided to do a séance. Well, it sort of worked. I now know it just can’t be spirits, it’s definitely one person subconsciously pushing. Unfortunately we all got so excited that I forgot what question I could ask.
After they’d all gone home, Anya and me played Polnareff and practically swooned.
In bed I read this thing in the Observer supplement about Guy Fawkes. There is now a theory that the whole thing was planned by Robert Cecil, the government minister. I’m convinced it was, the evidence is so strong. The whole reason was to create bad propaganda against the Roman Catholics. Catesby (the leader of the plot) and all the others agreed to blow up the House of Lords because they were promised they wouldn't be found out, and they would be paid well. I think it's quite fascinating.