The mischievous grape vine
W E D N E S D A Y, 9 A U G
Read the Agatha Christie book - Monsieur Poirot’s Christmas - in bed for ages, it was so absorbing. In the end, the murderer was the police sergeant – completely unexpected!! No wonder Chump wanted me to read it!!
Lay in the sun quite a bit and read. I don’t feel like finishing the James Baldwin book, there's too much religious stuff in it. So I read a rather nice book by H E Bates instead! It's called ‘A Crown of Wild Myrtle’.
Chump made a cake for tea. Then we stood on the balcony above and threw grapes (unripe ones) down onto Ma; she couldn’t understand where they were coming from. Then finally I plucked up enough courage to throw another - and it went into Pa’s tea!!! We couldn’t control ourselves any longer and burst into shrieks of laughter!
We all went for a walk, all the way to Beaulieu. Took the path along the sea. It was very windy and the sea was wild, it dashed against the rocks and was absolutely super. Went into a sweet shop where I bought a magazine, ‘Moins 20’. There’s a little thing on Polnareff in it - they say he plays the piano himself in ‘Ame Caline’ and he's very good at chess. He and Pa should get together!
For supper we actually used the barbecue. Had veal cutlets and I did the cooking. Put masses of salt, pepper and vinegar on, and let them get crunchy and brown. I must say, they tasted fabulous. Everybody very cheery, which was nice.
My midge bites have gone crimson. I can’t understand it.