Paloma Plage, St Jean Cap Ferrat - the paying side
T U E S D A Y, 8 A U G
At 9.15 we all left for Nice. First got the tickets for Jacques Dutronc, from those blue sentry-box things you queue up for. Pretty good seats, mid price, 15.50 francs each. I can’t help wishing it was Polnareff (but I am looking forward awfully to going). Then went to Galeries Layfayette as I wanted to see the cover for ‘Ame Caline’, of him with brown hair. Then Daddy bought it for me!!! It was 8.50 francs. On the way home Chumpy made me so mad: she says Polnareff’s brown hair is dyed! I ought to have laughed at her feebleness, but I felt like screaming.
Sunbathed at the beach when we got back - I’m horrified to find how unbrown I am: we’ve only got a week left. Then Ma, Chump and me went into the boutique in the village – Ju Jube. Us two got the most fab Bermuda shorts (mine are a sand colour, Chump’s are orange) and 2”-wide brown leather watch straps with brass studs! And I got a skimpy sleeveless sweater - pink and orange.
I started on an Agatha Christie as Chump wanted me to read it.
“It’s very readable but hopelessly written, I must say! ”
But Chump says I should continue.
I wrote postcards to Granny and Grandpa, and the letter to Polnareff – in rough first, of course. I told him I was writing to him at the Casino de Beaulieu because it’s the only place I can possibly get in touch with him, since the Knightsbridge Hotel have told us he won’t be staying with them for rather a long time. I enclosed a stamped, addressed envelope.
I doubt it’ll ever reach him somehow, and if it does, he’ll never read it.
Before supper I put all my hair up into a rubber band and swept it down. It really did look good, but quite soon it began to look scraggy. Played records after supper - Daddy likes Richard Anthony. Just before I went to bed I played the whole of Polnareff, and at the end Mummy said, “I think your record’s super.” Heavens - I felt so pleased!
Promenade des Anglais, Nice, 1967