"Those triumphant chords come in – and the angels tell you everything is going to be OK." Ray Davies, 2016
T H U R S D A Y, 2 2 J U N E
Did UK Geog. at the dining room table. Did all the coalfields. I do like Geog.
After lunch Ma took me to school. Owl didn’t come for register this time, but Miss Lee Art did, and she was five minutes late! At two the exam began. It wasn’t especially nice and it wasn’t especially awful, but the RUSH. I didn’t really finish properly. The map sheet was all on the Guildford area, which was rather handy.
Ma picked me up again as she’d come to fetch Chump (whose exams began today). We spent ages looking for shoes in Epsom, I got a pair too. Mine are off-white, with a strap and a sling-back, but the left one hurts my big toe. Also got some flip-flops.
Revised the world and Europe from 6.30 to midnight, stopped to see Top of the Pops. The Kinks are No. 5 - Daddy loves Waterloo Sunset! Dave Davies is a terrible snazz. For Europe I only did Switzerland, Holland and Scandinavia - I’ll have to get up jolly early tomorrow.
Ma and Pa are now arguing about getting a new car – Daddy wants a second Mercedes. I think it’s repulsive but he can’t see our view. It seems to me he can't get things in proportion, it’s so gross. How can you enjoy anything when you have it all?
The desired and desirable Mercedes 250SL, 1967