W E D N E S D A Y, 2 1 J U N E
Sat on the terrace in the sun and worked constantly from 9am on ‘Lord of the Flies’ and ‘Silas Marner’.
After lunch Ma drove me to school. Got there at 1.15. I thought register was at 1.30 but everyone said it was at 1.45, as that’s what it was on Monday. Well, it wasn’t. We were too late, and I have never seen Owl in such a temper. “All report to the Staff Room,” she boomed. Smirking at her pathetic-ness we trooped along to the Staff Room (about 20 of us) and waited outside while teachers asked us about everything and generally wasted their time and ours. We’re mad with Owl, she’s past it, she’s too much. Poor Tig was so upset she burst into tears. I think it is absolutely ridiculous to worry people just before an exam. She made Sandra cry on Monday.
So the exam started pretty late, and Mrs Huggett invigilated us. But when we were outside waiting to go in she was so funny. She waddled through us muttering Silas Marner quotes like "I'll cleave to him as long as he lives," and "an ugly story of low passion…”!
The paper was revolting, especially the Macbeth.
After the exam all the people who missed register had to go and see Miss Lack. Just compare her to Owl: she had complete control over herself as she told us firmly but pleasantly that it was absolutely essential we arrive at register on time. Then Laura explained why we thought it was at 1.45, and instead of becoming even madder, like Owl did, she said, “oh well then, it was all just a misunderstanding.” She was terribly nice.
“Listened to Johnnie Walker again - and again he mentioned ‘O’ Levels!!!”
Did Geog all evening - and got quite a lot done.
One of David Gentleman's beautifulcovers for Penguin