W E D N E S D A Y, 1 5 F E B
Lucy, Jacqui and me took ages getting changed for netball - Jacqui never stops showing off about her judo and her boyfriends. There was this judo book someone was looking at while we were sitting on the courts, and immediately she spotted it she said, “Oh, I must see that… especially as I know the chap who wrote it.” For the next twenty minutes she showed-off about her judo and showed us all the different movements. She even went into detail about how she had to use it on an Italian boy she met in Rimini last summer. She thinks she’s so marvellous but personally I can’t stand her.
Daddy’s now decided NOT to build houses next door but to keep the land – all three acres.
“He thinks the sound of lawnmowers would be a nuisance.”
Rather a fuss, I think – at least the six houses would have helped the housing problem a bit.