T U E S D A Y, 1 4 F E B
Ma, Chump and me drove up to London. Constant talk on the radio about Valentine's Day - Chump asked me why I’ve never had a Valentine’s card and I didn't know what to say.
It was so freezing outside Notting Hill Gate tube station I had to walk backwards. First we went to the Fulham Road and Habitat, which is practically next to Heals.
It’s got a huge door painted bright scarlet with a tiny brass door knob. It’s the most FAB shop, and nearly everything I saw I adored. We got a dozen cane woven holders for glasses for the ski party, they only cost 1/- each.
Then went to Miss Selfridge, the new boutique in Selfridges. It’s miles bigger than I thought and there are some fab things in there! There were millions of trouser suits in mauve, turquoise and orange but only two I liked and neither fitted. I felt like giving up. Then we went into the ordinary Selfridges and I got a trouser-suit there instead. It’s bright red and a fab style with huge lapels and a double row of buttons, though I would really have liked a pale beige one, with the trousers ever so slightly flared. The whole outfit, including a skirt to match, cost £11.
“Then, just as we were going out of Selfridges who should we see but Cilla Black!!!”
I’ve never ever seen a pop singer before. She was wearing a fab orange fur-coat to match her hair and she was with a friend. We walked past her again to get another look, hope it wasn't too obvious!
Then went to the Danish Food Centre in Conduit Street for lunch – long queue as usual. Delicious open sandwiches: I had bananas, mandarins and cream. Then an almond pastry. Chump had a roast beef with remoulade.
Then we got a taxi to Lillywhites to get my ski things. First got clipper boots - they cost £11. No more horrid laces to do up (Chumpy very envious). Then got skis, £23. We tried to get Chumpy some ski trousers but couldn't; she’s already got a pair anyway, but she says they’re not waterproof (ridiculous). In the men’s department we got some fab black ski socks: the new nylon and wool type, not the ghastly old scratchy things.
Then went to John Lewis and got red and white candles and red and white checked material for the the ski party. Jolly appropriate since red and white are the colours on the Austrian flag.
We saw millions of fur coats in London today, and literally hundreds of beige boots. I wish mine were.
“These Boots are Made for Walking’...”
Courreges invented the fashion boot in 1964. No longer were boots useful only for horse riders and sploshing around in wet weather.
The ultra cool Courreges 'Moon Girl' boots - white, flat-heeled, and calf-high – paved the way for the go-go boots that followed. These were higher, with chunky heels. Their popularity soared after Nancy Sinatra’s hit, These Boots are Made for Walkin.' In 1967 everyone who was anyone had a pair, except for me.