US footage on San Francisco 1967 - fast forward to 16.05 for hippies discussing drugs
F R I D A Y, 1 8 A U G
I wrote my Diary for yesterday. I’ve never written anything so badly, it made me utterly fed up. I was fed up already though, It’s so horrid being 17. This is the age you’re meant to have fun, and I haven’t even got a boyfriend. I know I could easily have one, but I’m simply too shy to. It was Peter-Jan that put me off for ever.
Chump and me cleared out the dining room cupboard. Then did some leaf-sweeping. Then began on my pinky-orange paisley skirt. Got everything done except the hem, but put the zip in all wrong so Ma did it. I’m disappointed with the material - it's thin and silky. It clings so much it makes me look fat.
Saw a BBC programme on the Love Generation in San Francisco, called ‘The Times They Are A-Changin.’ It was mostly about LSD - I didn’t realise so many people took it.
“I’m sure it’ll become more and more popular, it’ll probably be part of everyday life. ”
There were some people who said they used it to help them see life as it really is, and all the possibilities it offers. When they thought it had taught them as much as it could, they gave it up. But it can be so dangerous – nobody knows what the effects years later might be. American civilisation is decadent anyway, but the people trying to get away from the decadence seem to be equally decadent themselves. It’s pathetic. I’d rather discover the beauty of the world without drugs.
We took the Adamo LP back to Rumbelows today. That funny chap in there said, “I knew it’d be the wrong one, I knew it!” and sorted through the rack for the right one. They had it! It was recorded at Olympia and has all the clapping and shouting and everything. Absolutely fantastic, you can almost imagine you’re there. ‘Ton Nom’ is my favourite.