The absolutely drippy 'Mellow Yellow'
S A T U R D A Y, 1 9 A U G
It rained all day - awful. I now wish we’d been in France for the second part of August, not the first. We would at least have had the holiday to look forward to.
I’ve decided to get Mellow Yellow for my German penfriend - she says she likes it. I think it’s absolutely drippy.
Played Adamo and Sergeant Pepper’s a lot. I didn’t really do anything else except look through my Raves.
Cassius Clay got married today – to a girl of seventeen. Every time I hear people of my age actually getting married it makes me totally depressed.
Daddy made a fire in the evening, which was lovely, although it's August, and I finished Brideshead Revisited. Terribly good but terribly sad - I don’t know whether it was meant to be. Charles and Sebastian lose each other and never stay together again. It’s even worse when Charles meets Julia ten years later, and reminisces over the wonderful times they had when they were young. The past and things gone by makes me sadder than anything else I know. The time I realised that was when I read 'Heidi's Children'.
Cassius Clay (aka Muhammad Ali) and his second wife Belinda, aged 17