International School Antwerp, founded in 1967
T U E S D A Y, 2 3 J A N
Got French results back. Lucy came top out of 19 with 71%!!! I got 63% and came 5th, which I'm jolly pleased about. I think I’m very lucky to enjoy school, very few people do, and it’s unusual to love it while O’ Levels are going on. I accept the lessons, however horrible they are, and think of all the lovely things there are. Seeing everything from the good side is a greater asset than one might think.
In History we talked about the Common Market. The only disadvantage I can see is that food would go up 17% in price.
’24 Hours’ was on the international schools they’ve got in the six Common Market countries. I’d adore to go to one, I can’t think of a more marvellous idea. They interviewed some extremely intelligent Dutch pupils at the Belgian one.
Daddy didn’t come back till about 1am: he went to Glasgow for the opening of the new secondary school. It was awfully boring without him.