M O N D A Y, 3 0 J A N
Got a poor mark for German mock, 48%. But 63% for Latin - I simply can't get over it!!!
Saw Panorama on Viet-Nam and Mummy explained it to me: South Viet-Nam (capital Saigon) with the help of the Americans is fighting the communist Viet-Cong of the North (capital Hanoi). I can’t see the war finishing for a long time, but people seem to think it’s steadily progressing.
At the moment I’m really pleased with my hair. It’s gone just how I like it – soft, full, with the curls going the right way.
“The disastrous Vietnam War”
More than £3m people lost their lives in the Vietnam War. Filled by Cold War dread about the spread of communism, the Americans intervened in 1965.
They lost no major battles, but could no longer take the economic burden or stand the loss of American lives. They withdrew in 1973, Saigon surrendered to the Communist north, 700,000 US veterans suffered psychological after-effects, and Vietnam was ruined, its farmland polluted and its infrastructure destroyed.