"At 6.30 we left for Antibes - it took ages."
S A T U R D A Y, 1 2 A U G
We all went into Beaulieu. Main reason: to deliver Polnareff’s letter to the Casino. But it was shut, so weedy. Bought a ‘Nice Matin’ on the way and there was a picture of Dutronc – exactly as he looked last night. But no ad for Polnareff at the Théâtre de Verdure, only for Mireille Mathieu. Couldn’t understand it. Then what should we see but POLNAREFF POSTERS – he's at the Palais de la Méditerranée instead!!!
When we got back we went to Paloma – on the paying beach for once! I wrote a rough draft for yesterday, then did the Diary. Took all afternoon.
At 6.30 we left for Antibes – it took ages. On the way stopped at Beaulieu Casino. Place empty, but there was a man at the Miami Bar. So Chump and me went in and I explained (in French) how important it was that Michel Polnareff should get the letter. He was an awfully nice man, I just hope he remembers. Finally got to Joy's.
I don’t know why but I felt rather sorry for myself. Everybody seemed to be leaving me out, though I don’t suppose they were. I kept on nearly crying. We had Seven Up to drink, then we left for Cannes, and the Yacht Club harbour. There’s a huge swimming-pool with a marble floor, there are ferns and palms around the lawn, the flower-beds are immaculate, and all the little lights are in neat rows. The yachts we saw were fantastic, some looked like hotels, but I couldn’t bear it.
“Honestly, it stinks of wealth - it’s absolutely ghastly. ”
We went back to Joy’s flat and had a super meal - cold chicken, hot pizza things, crisps, lettuce etc and strawberries for pudding. No real cream, of course. Afterwards she showed me this book on shorthand (it looks murderous!) and we told her about the concert; she said an hour late was nothing for the French. She also taught me that if something is “tellement dans le vent” (“terribly in the wind”) it's very in! I’m so glad she's coming to England this September.
Driving back through Nice it was crowded out with young people, especially outside the Théâtre de Verdure, and the streets were covered in confetti - they had their Nuit Blanche this evening.
When I was in bed Daddy was very sweet and asked me if I was sure I hadn’t been bored this holiday. I think he understands.
Chump's godmother Joy