Chump with Rabbit, later considered a boring pet
S U N D A Y, 1 6 A P R I L
The weather today was absolutely wonderful – by lunchtime it was so hot I went upstairs and changed into a summer skirt. Chump put on her bathing-costume (wish I had) and we sunbathed - BLISS. I did a bit of Macbeth, but really I should have done my project.
I'm so glad: I've finally found out the names of the French programmes I listen to. They're France Inter (1870); Europe Numero Un (1670); and Radio Luxembourg (1320), which is the one with Le President Rosko -"celui qui est le plus beau!!" After lunch Pa made Chump's rabbit pen. It's jolly smart, it's even got metal 'hinges' on the corners.
I've got two chances of seeing Dutronc again: one, next year skiing and two, this summer, when he's at that school in Kent.
But both are rather doubtful. I must just hope.
“Time magazine and the Pill”
In April 1967 Time magazine ran a cover piece on the Pill. It had been invented in 1961 by a Catholic looking for a treatment for infertility who instead found a guarantee of it. But, until April 1968, women had to be married to be offered it.
Time magazine wrote: "The Pill is a miraculous tablet that contains as little as one thirty-thousandth of an ounce of chemical. It costs 11¢ to manufacture; a month's supply now sells for $2.00 retail. It is little more trouble to take on schedule than a daily vitamin. Yet in a mere six years it has changed and liberated the sex and family life of a large and still growing segment of the U.S. population: eventually, it promises to do the same for much of the world."