Staying in every evening watching the Braun TV
F R I D A Y, 1 0 N O V
Oh it’s not fair – that boy Martha met at the party, Robert, came round last night. So she’s got a boyfriend too. I can’t bear this much longer.
Mrs Huggett came up to me this morning and asked me what I thought of Othello! She was disappointed with Laurence Olivier, but thought Iago [Frank Finlay] was brilliant. She thinks they made Othello taller in the film so he couldn’t walk properly, or something.
Finished my elephant lino-cut in Art and printed it onto paper to see what it looks like. I’m quite pleased with it. Had singing practise 3rd period in the Gym - it was rather fun - and at dinner break went to Folk Club. There was this terribly good chap, Steve somebody, who played sort of folk blues on an electric guitar.
Martha, Anya and me have now named Malcolm ‘Talcum Powder’ - because he’s asked Anya to call him Malc!!!
“Felt so miserable in the evening I just cried.”
Why am I staying in every evening when everyone else has wonderful things to look forward to every week?
Ma and Pa went out. I couldn’t do any homework so I just watched masses of TV, including that ghastly ‘Take Your Pick’!
I've come to the conclusion my whole life would be different if I lived anywhere else apart from this dead-beat isolated place. I can’t go on like this, it’s dreadful.
“Take Your Pick”
“The host of Take Your Pick (1955-1968) was ‘your quiz inquisitor’ Michael Miles. There were always three booby prizes like a prune or, worse still, a ticket for next week’s show. And there was the mysterious Box 13, the treasure-chest of money and ‘tonight’s star prize’, which was greeted with a crescendo of ‘oohs’ from the audience as if they’d never seen a three-piece suite before."