That swing seat by the bar
S U N D A Y, 3 0 J U L Y
Felt miles happier today because last night before I got to sleep I thought about Dutronc and imagined I met him here, at Roches Fleuries!
Got up late, at 9, and saw the drinks waiter outside our rooms. He looked a lot at my bikini.
I didn’t swim but sat on the edge of the rocks and let the waves whoosh over me. It was perfectly gorgeous and I sang ‘Ame Caline’. While waiting for parents before lunch us two sat on the swing by the bar. We ordered some drinks and Jean was rather nice when I fetched the straws. After lunch I lay on the second sun-terrace, then went down to the pool. Éric – our Hate of the Year – continued to dive in and out and show off like mad. Chump says he’s keen on me, he never stops staring. He’s about 15 and he makes us sick.
Changed into dolly-rocker and bloomers, and wore my hair in one bunch on the left side. My fringe practically makes me want to cry. It gets worse every second but I can’t cut it, I’ve got to grow it out. We all went for a walk to the ices shop and then back along the beach.
Went to dinner at 8.30.
“The drinks waiter is really fabulous, I don’t know why I didn’t notice before. ”
What gets Chump and me is his mouth – it is always smiling as though life could never get him down! He wanders along at a leisurely place – I’ve never seen anybody so casual. He gave me some fab looks. Had coffee as usual on the terrace. Sat opposite the bar. When Jean brought me the milk for my coffee I looked up at him and said “merci,” and he smiled. It was fab. He reminds me of Dutronc in this light.
Daddy didn’t let us go to the beach in the dark again so I took Chump to bed and when I came back who should I pass on the second terrace but Jean, with about three or four young people. He stared like mad.
I’m going to ignore him tomorrow!
Le Lavendou, 1967 Photo: