On S.L.C. they played the hits of this time last year, which brought it all back so beautifully.
W E D N E S D A Y, 1 2 J U L Y
Scorcher all day! Felt miserable because of my legs, but what cheered me up the whole day was the thought of the Goldmans this evening.
Set off on a birthday shopping spree with Pa. Spent ages in Pullingers because of all the fab books. Went to Originale and got Ma three fab tablecloths of which she is going to choose two, also a wooden blue and green bracelet, and a fab square candle on a stand, for the boat. In Boots I bought a set of freesia soap and bath cubes (for Chump to give), and a super blue and white check bath hat. The beach bag will have to be a late present because we need to go to London to get it, and also a Mozart record for me to give ('The Turkish March' - Polnareff’s favourite). I got myself a pale, pale Baby Doll lipstick from Woolworths; it’s a super colour, but it comes off easily.
Daddy made an awful fuss about me ringing up Ma to fetch me, he seemed to expect me to wait in the office for an hour just to save her 25 minutes, which is so ridiculous since Mummy had arranged to fetch me anyway because she had to do some shopping.
Wore Scallywags dress and blue ribbons. About 8pm the Goldmans came! First we went round next door, to show them the house, the garden and (first time for both of them) the tennis-court. Had drinks out on the terrace, then supper - chicken with ratatouille and iced almond cake. Absolutely fab.
“One of the things we talked about was the Amsterdam Town Hall competition...”
Honestly, I think Daddy’s mad, the drawings have got to be in by 17 November and he hasn’t finished the hospital yet! Hospitals take so long to complete that they never give them to architects older than their 50s - they'd never see it through.
After supper sat out on the terrace till it got dark, and had coffee. We only talked a little bit about Mark. Mrs G said he went on a Sixth Form cruise to Russia, and met a lot of fabulous people. He's just done his 'A' Levels - English and French. Chump went to bed and we stayed up until quarter to one! Had a super time chatting about Francis Chichester and things. It’s rather good, the week-end after next, Sydney and Mark are going on a sailing-course at Bosham and we’ll be able to see them.
Sat in their Mustang to see what it’s like just before they went!
"Fabulous! Baby Doll Lipstick colours give your lips the mood of the moment. The smooth dreamy base is so easy to apply for day long appeal."