T U E S D A Y, 5 D E C E M B E R
Wore black ripply skirt, blue ribbed jumper, and hair in large bunches which people said they loved.
Everybody makes me so mad. The Debate tonight is on national service, and everyone seems to think it’s a good idea saying one year of discipline would do a boy good, etc etc. What they seem to forget is that, basically, it’s teaching you to kill. As for the discipline bit – it’s absolute rubbish. A whole lot of boys getting together to learn now to machine-gun etc – well, it doesn’t exactly encourage individualism. I decided not to go to the Debate.
“Most people are so unintellectual it’s not true. Sounds snobby - but there it is.
I’m utterly thrilled – I got an A and two A- for my English essays. The A was for Childhood. Printed more elephants in Art, some on white material and some on tissue paper.
Pam has got a job in a boutique in Kingston!
At dinner break Lucy and me went along to Miss Lack’s room with several others where the architect spoke to us about the decor for the Sixth Form Unit. Joanna suggests we have some big paper flowers - a jolly good idea.
It’s rather nice having all these young workmen around the house!
Daddy is entirely with me about the military service thing. I can’t wait to tell Martha just what I think of it tomorrow.
This red biro is revolting.