S U N D A Y, 1 9 M A R C H
Super weather for Chumpy's 12th birthday.
She got us up at 8.30 to open presents, rather early (7.30 by old time as the clocks changed today). As well as the Patch doll she got tons of super things, including this marvellous wooden Swedish game 'Labyrinth' which I played all day. You have to get the ball to no. 60; in the end I managed to get it to 12! Then Jenny arrived with lots of records including Ruby Tuesday and got out all the Raves to find Mick Jagger's birthday as she loves him - its July 26th, 1944. Also looked at Chump's 'Uncle' books - Jenny thinks they're hilarious.
Stoke Granny and Grandpa arrived and gave Chump a box of oil paints, with brushes and everything. After a super roast beef, Yorkshire pudding and chocolate mousse lunch, us two took G + G round the 'estate' and discovered some things we hadn't seen before, like a pig sty in the vegetable garden. Had three-layer chocolate cake for tea, and saw Great Expectations - I adore Pip (Gary Bond), he's such a snazz.
They left, and about 6.15 London Grandma and Grandpa arrived, plus Uncle John! John really wasn't too bad, and looked perfectly well. Chumpy got more super presents: a little silver brooch with a ring to match, a wobbly Russian doll, and a fab rag doll called Jack (who we quickly made into a girl with bunches). Cheese and bacon pie for supper, with meringues, but Ma and Pa only had half a meringue each as Grandma hadn't told her they were bringing John.
It's odd but the Stones' and the Beatles' latest records haven't sold nearly as well as usual, although they're the best they've ever made (to my mind, anyway). I love Ruby Tuesday.
Labyrinth - developed in 1946, still going strong today.