"We lay down in the autumn sun and admired the marvellous view."
M O N D A Y, 2 3 O C T O B E R
I slept beautifully last night. The mattress was so comfy, and I put four blankets on.
Cooked bacon for breakfast, then left. Weather super again, we’re so lucky. But though the scenery and weather were quite beautiful I couldn’t enjoy the walk as I was in agony with my feet.
We left and went to the nearest phone box where we rang up the Secretary to the Under Secretary to the Under Secretary of Mr William Pitt (i.e. Ma!) to arrange to meet at Polesden Lacey. Did a detour in Abinger Hammer to get things for lunch - we had to walk up the most foul steep hill part of the way. Wherever we went, chaps in cars hooted at us. We got to Polesden Lacey at 1.30, which was marvellous because it left us half an hour to have lunch. It was BLISS to sit down. We lay in the autumn sun and admired the marvellous view. Ma and Chump arrived minutes later.
“Washed my feet when I got home, bandaged and talc-ed them, but they’re still hell! ”
After supper we all left to see ‘Two For the Road’ in Epsom. It was about an unhappy marriage between an architect called Mark and his wife Joanna and there were some nice shots of France. But it was an absolute wash-out. Albert Finney is foul, and Audrey Hepburn is too attractive to be realistic. All they did anyway was jump in and out of bed; it was so boring we left before it finished. Daddy made a bit of a fuss though. I mean, you can’t expect every film you go to to be marvellous. Now poor Mummy doesn’t know what to do about the plays she’s booked for next month - Murder at Midnight and The Cherry Orchard.
"Albert Finney is foul, and Audrey Hepburn is too attractive to be realistic."