Ma and Pa at the helm of 'Oleander'
M O N D A Y, 2 8 A U G
The snazz next door isn’t quite the snazz I thought he was. Still, he’s got a fab figure.
It was foggyish all day.
Pa and Chump went ashore and got a paper. It’s so sad, Brian Epstein has died. He sounds so nice in the article that I thInk the Beatles are pretty miserable - I never realised they were so close. He had been ill for some months, but it sounds as though he took an overdose of sleeping-pills.
Left Yarmouth and sailed back. It was pretty boring really, all there was to do was sit and look at the grey sea and the pale grey sky. More interesting around Itchenor where we passed a lot of boats, and there were a few snazzies around. Didn’t have to wait in the lock, for once, but it was crowded out with people watching the boats coming in. One man even took a photo of us!
Went to the Stores to get food for tonight - no Moustachy. Had tinned chicken, it was super. Surprisingly easy traffic on way home. Listened to radio a lot, heard 'Le Roi des Fournis' and ‘Ame Caline’. Suddenly I heard the man say, “Hit Parade de la Méditerranée” ... we’d got Radio Monte Carlo for the first time! 'Ame Caline' was No. 5, but we only heard nos. 10, 11 and 12 played.
Read Reader’s Digest and Vogue in bed. Sweet thing on Robert Frost’s first love.
Brian Epstein: "Without his contribution and sacrifice, the Beatles would not exist as we know them" - Jeremy Deller