The fringe
F R I D A Y, 2 9 S E P T
Wore orange dress. Tons of people said how nice it was.
Good Work prizes were announced in Prayers - AND I'VE GOT ONE! I can hardly believe it! I didn't ever think I'd get one! Bit scared about going on the stage at Speech Day though.
Properly began on Chaucer in English. Miss Gatley read it out like it’s meant to be read and it sounds like German and Welsh mixed up together. It’s fun translating it. Later I had to go to 'J' Hut to talk to the Fourth Form about our anthologies. I never realised how young fourth-formers are – they look like second-formers to me. Felt terribly scared but Sandra B was there, and Tig. First Mrs Huggett talked all about Tig's. I never realised just how good hers is, she has everything in such good order, even the title couldn't be bettered. She called it ‘To School’, a Shakespeare quotation, not just ‘School’. Sandra did hers on horses, then I talked about mine ('Christmas'). Mrs H was very complimentary about my writing and my turquoise ink.
Ma met us outside and we went shopping. Saw some fab shoes in Lilly & Skinner but they haven’t got my size till Thursday. Looked for a skirt, one of the ripply ones, but of course they don’t have them in Epsom. I got some hold-up stockings instead, only 8/11, and some black velvet ribbon for my hair.
At dinner we drank the champagne Joy brought me for my results! Afterwards showed our photos on the projector. Oh God – my fringe is such an improvement on last year.
Joy is so sweet - one of the most staggering things about her is that she never finds fault with anyone. She always looks for people’s best points.
I felt achy in my legs all day. I can’t understand it because I haven’t got a cold.
"Joy always looks for people’s best points."