"He’s got a huge backing group; their dance movements killed me."
W E D N E S D A Y, 2 7 D E C E M B E R
Got up at 11.30. Wrote all my thank you letters. Started on ‘Dorian Gray' by Oscar Wilde.
Went out in my cloak and hood to get a bit of exercise in the garden. Dreadful weather. It looked like the end of the world.
Ma is trying to get people together for a party on New Year’s Eve and Chump suggested the Goldmans. If only David, Cherry and Mark could come!
There was a Gala Show from Paris on TV – who was on but Johnny Halliday! Chump and me were very pleasantly surprised. Funnily enough he reminded me of Paul Jones. His hair is longer than I thought and his skin looked golden. He’s really rather sweet. He sang 'Aussi Dur que du Bois’ - 'Knock on Wood' in French! It went on for literally ages. He’s got a huge backing group; their dance movements killed me.
Looked through Which University – it’s so marvellous. I’ve decided I have a choice of the following subjects I can do with French: they are Art, Drama, English, German, and European Studies. At the moment I’d most like to do French, Drama & German at Bristol, because the Drama includes Art. Bristol’s a super place with a lot of culture.
Wish my Diary wasn’t falling to bits.
"Dreadful weather. It looked like the end of the world."