T U E S D A Y, 4 J U L Y
Mummy made me so cross this morning. She said I’m always late for school because of my "blessed hair". I spend precisely five minutes on it, no more. When you think of the time some people spend on it, it's nothing.
Ghastly to have to go back to school, but nice to chat to Anya again.
“I told her all about how fab Wimbledon was and how furious I am about the Stones affair.”
She agrees with me. But I’m so mad: yesterday was Polnareff's birthday - which I completely forgot - and they had a party for him on French radio. However, she's come up with a marvellous idea. Before the end of term we will go up to London, visit the Pye Studios, and find out everything we can!!!
At 2.30 we all went along to to New Gym where Miss Lack told us about the running of the 6th Form Unit. I just can’t wait. Then Mrs Green told us about this coach trip to Yugoslavia, which includes the most fantastic places: Brussels, Bruges, Cologne, Frankfurt, Nuremberg, Adriatic Coast, Venice, to mention a few. But I think the cruise is more worth it - you can’t go to Turkey every day.
Then I had to go and see Ann Hamblen. I couldn’t think what it was about. But it’s pretty fab – they’re going to put that dramatic dialogue I did in the school magazine!!! (Mrs Huggett just wants me to change the ‘rag’ of blue knitting as it de-classes the woman.) It doesn’t deserve to be put in, it's so corny, but still. Three good bits of news today so I felt pretty happy going home.
Watched Wimledon. Anne Jones only just beat Miss Eisel - and Newcombe and Roche, both seeds, were beaten in the men’s doubles... by two English weeds!!
Can’t stop singing 'Try a Little Tenderness' by Otis Redding. He’s fantastic.