The New Statesman article about Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band - considered by Rolling Stone "the most important rock & roll album ever made".
M O N D A Y, 5 J U N E
Everyone in a flap when I got to school because of the exam, especially Lucy. She hadn't even begun on 'Strife'!
At 10 to 2 we had to go to Hut Z, and the torture began. Except it wasn't as bad as I'd expected. The 'Macbeth' question was the worst of them as it was a character one, but for 'Lord of the Flies' I wrote exactly what was in the introduction practically word for word (so lucky I looked at it!). A pity I did all that revision.
Waited for 45 minutes at the office for Daddy, which I was jolly annoyed about. We finally left at 5.30. He told me that Israel and Egypt began war today. I don't think anybody thought it would be so soon. It was very hot in the car, but the back lanes are exceptionally green at this time of year.
In bed I read a jolly good article in the New Statesman on the Beatles’ LP. It describes the record as “art of a subtle kind” and that all the different songs are related because they’re all about loneliness. The best song is A Day in the Life and they think the BBC’s ban on it is stupid because "the original tune remains so innocent and the (electrophonic) trip is so disturbingly scary.” What’s so annoying is I’ve got the whole record but I haven’t got the time to play it!
Oh dear, my Diary gets more boring every day. I haven't any emotions to write about or anything, it’s ghastly. I can't go on about Dutronc every day, well I could, but I’d run out of things to say.
It was marvellous last year when there was Finkelstein to spend hours on every night.