Stopping off for chestnuts at Üetliberg, with Jane. Photo Rhys Williams
S U N D A Y, 9 A P R I L
Wore my red suit and we said goodbye to the hotel (the manager lady gave Chump and me a bar of Lindt chocolate each!). Drove to Üetliberg. We parked, but had to walk up a hill for a quarter of an hour to get to the restaurant where Soz, Rhys, Jane and the Swiss family were having breakfast. It went on and on - not surprising since we took the wrong route - but at least it had a wonderful view. After bread and Tilset cheese we walked down again and had hot chestnuts on the way. My legs were like jelly! Said good bye to them all.
In the evening we went to the Kittenmühle up in the hills. It's as beautiful as I remember.
Wirtschaft zur Kittenmühle today
It was quite full even at 7.30, but there was only one waiter there
“- so weedy. And the head person was a woman.”
I had gorgeous tomato soup cooked with cream, then fanstatic fondue like at the Ermitage, then fresh strawberries and cream (quite tasty although they're out of season).
Had a hilarious time at the station: there wasn't a porter so we attempted to fill the truck ourselves! I went to sleep on the train thinking about Dutronc but had to be woken up at 11.30, which was horrible, because we'd got to Basle. Had to wait on the platform in the cold for what seemed like ages, it was awful. If we'd got a plane we'd be home within a few hours. Pa and me are pretty fed up with Ma and Chump for being so silly about flying. Had a feeble little couchette (because no sleepers), and though it was first-class all we had was one blanket.
In second class there are six of you, which must be vile.
The Kittenmühle