W E D N E S D A Y, 3 0 A U G
Results didn't come. Great relief.
When the painter had gone for lunch I suddenly remembered I must phone Pye. So I did - and it was fab!!! “Could you tell me when Michel Polnareff is next recording, please?” I said, "it's sometime in September, isn’t it?” “Yes,” the girl said, and as she looked through her files she went “Michel Polnareff… Polnareff…” Then, the date: “September 15th”.
Oh, I’m so pleased with myself!!! I've simply got to ring up the Knightsbridge Hotel and tell that stupid man that Polnareff IS going to be here, despite the world tour. I must ask Anya’s advice on it all, but really it is marvellous, and we’ll definitely take the day off to go up.
At 3pm Ma fetched Sozzy and Jane from the station. Rather good having them here. Went round the big garden with Chump, Jane and Andrea. C and A really have got the greenhouse going – we’ll have strawberries all year round!
I practiced my serves – great improvement. I’ve got a twist on them now - it's only practice. Grandma and Grandpa came for tea and Grandma got rather chatty with the painter. Later I went for a walk round the block and pretended I was with Mark the whole time. If only, if only.
Ma and Pa think the painter is the most charming boy. Yesterday he asked if we’d had a good weekend! He’s terribly polite I must say. And he also works very thoroughly.
After supper we showed Sozzy and Jane our holiday photos.
August, St Jean Cap Ferrat