T H U R S D A Y, 2 M A R C H
In German we each had to go up to Miss Leopold and read a passage to her - never done that before! She said I've got a good accent, but I don't pronounce the 'r's on the end of my words.
Pottery was lovely, I'm terribly pleased with my pot, and I think Birdy is too. He gave me a screw and with this I was able to make the most gorgeous stripy design. I'm longing to have it glazed.
At lunch hour Jenny and her friend came in to tell us Mr Finkelstein was left-handed. We knew that already. Anyway, we gave her a list (headed ‘Secret Agent No. 1 !!! Private and Confidential’) of all the things we want to find out from his landlady - e.g. was his room messy? Did he keep a diary? What time did he get up and go to bed? Jenny said it's funny but the more she thinks about him the more she misses him, and now she's miles keener than she was before. It's just a little thing, but it makes me so happy to hear it.
Going home was hilarious. She so admires the hole in my school hat that she made one for herself by bashing her hat on to the railings by the bus stop.
Saw Top of the Pops - No. 1 is 'Please Release Me, Let me Go' by that nut Englebert Humpledink!! Dave Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick and Tich were also on, and Dave Dee was in a suit. Not a particularly mod one, but he did look fab. It's because it reminded me of Him.
Acres and acres of homework.
“Jimi Hendrix unleashed on the Marquee”
On 2 March the Jimi Hendrix Experience performed a private gig at the Marquee Club for a German TV show. The Beatles, the Stones and 1,400 others managed to squeeze in that night. By then Jimi had developed a cult following and the queue to see him stretched all the way along Wardour Street, as far as Cambridge Circus.