The new-look school magazine went on to win a Sunday Times award
F R I D A Y, 1 5 D E C E M B E R
Wore black ripple skirt and green jumper, with Ma’s new silver belt and my Viking brooch.
In Assembly Mrs Huggett and Beardy told us about the school magazine - it’s going to cost £500! If every girl in the school buys a copy that will raise £200, and they can borrow £100 from school-funds. The remaining £200 they've got to get with advertisements.
My ash-tray has been fired but the glaze has gone entirely wrong. It’s a queer sort of browny cream colour, but the most ghastly thing is, the bottom of it, the bit you see most, has gone into wrinkles of thick glaze and looks like a brain.
At 2.30 the First Form party began, in the Canteen. The only dampening spirit was Miss Rayner - she goes too far. The fuss she made has to be heard to be believed. We had records on the whole time so she kept as far away as possible, looking extremely pained, and by the end she was suggesting staggered groups for the bus stop to prevent a “crush”! They played musical chairs, Pass the Parcel, the dressing-up and chocolate game, my ‘Guess the Pop Star’ game, and we had a dancing competition. With 60 of them it was terrific fun, how I wish we could still play games like that! Jackie (the girl who looks like Dutronc) still fascinates me. We did the clearing up and it ended at quarter to 5. Had to wait ages for a bus.
“Ma and Pa went to dinner at the GOLDMANS, lucky things.”
I don’t know if Mark was there though.
Chump and me had a log fire, which was super. Had supper by it, and roasted chestnuts. I spent hours on my religion essay for Philosophy (Chump was my personal secretary, I dictated to her!) and we had a very interesting discussion. It’s amazing a 12-year-old can discuss religion more intelligently than some people in my form. Then listened to Radio Caroline and Weird Beard's Ghost Story - with the lights out.
Parents so late we rang up the Goldmans. They came back at 1.15.
The team behind the magazine