Les Roches Fleuries nearLe Lavandou, former hang out of Bogart, Churchill and Cocteau. Later called Les Roches, the hotel closed in 2011.
F R I D A Y, 2 8 J U L Y
Didn’t sleep very well on the train because Chump insisted on having the window down. My legs got cold, the noise was terrific, and diesel fumes came in.
We arrived (St Raphael) at 7.30. Wonderful weather. Had breakfast at the station - I just had Seven Up. Then we drove to Roches Fleuries. Fab to see the Mediterranean again. On the way we visited the hilltop village Ramatuelle, though Chumpy was grumpy. I felt horribly touristy and slightly out of place, but Ramatuelle is lovely once you get into all the little streets. They're very very narrow, at right angles with each other, and steep. Bright blue Morning Glories are everywhere, geraniums too.
We got to Roches Fleuries at ten – absolutely marvellous! ‘Roy Hudd’ as cheerful as ever! Our rooms are miles from the pool, but still beautiful, and we've got linked terraces. Changed into bathing-costumes straightaway and went down to the pool. There's a new swimming instructor here, young and handsome and pretty foul. Better than last year’s specimen though.
I felt ridiculously miserable at lunch – no friends. Cheered up later though.
“We had a huge four-course meal, starting of course with the hors d’oeuvres!”
Sunbathed till 5.30, and fell asleep for an hour. I woke utterly soporific. Then Ma, Chump and me went for a walk to the beach next door. There, this long-haired chap came up and starting taking photo after photo of me. It was pretty embarrassing. I told him there probably wasn't a film inside but he assured me there was - he gave me a card and told me to come tomorrow to pick them up! I did a sketch of the bay.
Lots of the people here last year are here again. Fortunately there are very few English. Had drinks on the terrace before dinner - two very snazz waiters at the bar kept looking at me. One’s called Jean and has Dutronc’s figure exactly. The other one looks like Roger Daltry. After supper, we sat right by the bar for coffee - even nearer the snazzies. It was so good because Pa asked them if they had any records by Polnareff (they hadn’t!). Then I asked if they could play any by Dutronc. So they did, which was marvellous. It was really rather a fab evening.
I simply can't believe we were in a train this morning.
Room 74