"This is a photo as I would wish myself to look all the time. Then I would maybe have a chance to get to Hollywood." Anne Frank, 10 October, 1942
T U E S D A Y, 2 1 F E B
Mrs Huggett was ridiculous in English, and unnecessarily got into a temper. She said we're like children the way we can't behave, but if you ask me, she's more childish than us.
We were talking a bit about drugs at school when Jacqui said something that horrified me. She went to a party the other week in Chelsea and there were drugs there. How she could get into such an awful crowd I can't think. She didn't seem the slightest bit disturbed about it.
Poor Mummy has a terrible, terrible cold and feels lousy. I do hope she's ok for the ski party on Saturday.
Saw 'The Diary of Anne Frank' on ITV, not BBC. Not good reception because ITV. But it was very good, and she was such a wonderful person I couldn't stop crying. Pa, Ma and Chump went to bed before it was over so I was all by myself and I practically felt I was in the war hiding from the Germans myself.
“Anne Frank”
The Diary of Anne Frank is, after the Bible, the highest-selling non-fiction book in the world. It covers only two years of Anne's life - when she and her Jewish family hid from the Nazis in a secret annexe in Amsterdam during the Second World War.
After Nelson Mandela's release from prison he said he had been heartened by the words of hope this remarkable young girl had written.