Jump to 3.25 for fashion shoot footage, and a chat over breakfast with Twiggy's manager/boyfriend Justin de Villeneuve
M O N D A Y, 1 3 N O V
Wore Jaeger skirt. Hair on one side. Pretty foul.
Anya and Lucy did enjoy Saturday, but Anya seems to have spent half the time snogging, and Lucy said she got a surprise when she met Adrian’s mother who was wearing a long dress. Went down to town with Martha and Lucy after lunch. In Boots we saw those new Nine Flags shaving lotions. The idea’s good but we didn’t take to the smells: the Brazil one is just cloves.
Went to the Debate on racialism. The motion, ‘This House believes that Coloured People get the Treatment they Deserve’, was lost by 30 to nought!
“After the debate I had the most extraordinary thought, I don’t know why I’ve never thought of it before.”
One day in the future, everybody’s going to be coffee-coloured. How long it will take I don’t know, but I don’t think it’s that far away. Once there’s a relatively large group of coffee-coloured people it’ll spread quickly because they’ll marry white and black people equally. It’s so difficult to explain but because coffee-coloured people are half black and half white, they’ll be indifferent to what colour the person is they marry.
At home I listened to a lecture on the Third Programme, which Miss Gatley told us to listen to if we could. It was about the detachment of scientists and how they are avoiding responsibility. I didn’t really fathom much of it but I think what he was getting at was that the scientists think they’re more or less gods, while it's the artists who are the real gods, as they are “the makers”.
Saw Twiggy and Justin de Villeneuve on ‘24 Hours’. She looked so ugly – dressed 1930s-ish. She’s quite sweet but her horrible accent spoils her and she keeps on going, “you know”.
The ‘Nine Flags’ shaving cologne collection was launched in 1965, marketed in the UK by Gillette