'Tout Tout Tout sur Jacques Dutronc'. Mummy liked him too
T U E S D A Y, 1 3 J U N E
It's so fab waking up knowing you've got no school for seven days! I lay in bed till 10, thinking about Dutronc (as usual). I know he was over-keen on girls, but I still absolutely wish I'd gone dancing with him.
I was on my own at home the whole day, though Daddy came home for lunch, which was nice. The weather was fantastic, not a cloud in the sky, the hottest day we've had this year. The sun didn't go in once the whole day so I sat on the terrace. I was absolutely stupid, I hardly got any work done I was so hot, and I got a splitting headache. It went when I took a Codeine though. I did world religions for seven hours.
'Salut les Copains' came which was fab as the Tout, Tout, Tout was on Jacques Dutronc. There's a picture of him when he was in the army, and he doesn't just look a weed but an extra-awful weed - because he's got glasses on and no hair.
“It is fantastic what a difference hair makes! Any boy who still has short hair must be mad. ”
Of course, people shouldn't over-do the appearance bit, but short hair is really going too far.
When Mummy came back from Grandma's she, me and Chump skipped through 'Salut les Copains' and nearly died looking at this horrible advertisement for men's underwear. It was a picture of an anaemic-looking boy with nothing on - all you see is his whacking bottom and his horrible hairy legs!! Pants in French is 'un slip' and when Ma saw that, she skipped back to the 'J'adore - Je deteste' page and said, "hey, didn't Dutronc say he detested some kind of slip?" I don't know why but it was absolutely hilarious!
Had a bath, which gave me a bit of chance to listen to French radio. Worked in sitting-room till 12, then Daddy pushed me up to bed.
"The sun didn't go in once the whole day so I sat on the terrace."