"The carefree atmosphere with umbrella-shaded outdoor tables, powder room, lounge, common room and coffee bar makes Rosebery an outstanding testimony to a good headmistress and a humanitarian DES."
W E D N E S D A Y, 1 3 D E C E M B E R
Anya took me round the Science Block – first time I’ve been in it! Done on the cheap of course, but super all the same. Sally B objects to the big windows – she must be mad.
At 2 Lucy and me went to a Sixth Form Unit meeting for the décor people. Great surprise: we were taken around by Mr Drake, one of the architects (he’s terribly young!) Honestly, there are Heals' type curtains and black leather chairs, it's like a DREAM. The coffee bar and the lecture hall especially are super, and the carrels, everyone was ecstatic. He talked to us about how we must keep everything old and conventional out of the place - the whole point is that it’s as different as can be from normal school classrooms. The idea of more-noise-than-usual doesn’t matter in the least - that’s what life’s like. We can’t expect to be working in silent surroundings for the rest of our lives!
“Coming back into the main school the first thing you notice is the light – the lack of it. ”
The Unit is so marvellous and all the ‘décor’ people are the people I like: Lucy and Vanessa O, Sarah Rae, Claire and Joanna.
Jenny is very miserable about Otis Redding. She heard the news yesterday - her birthday. Another very sad thing: Mrs Medhurst (Auntie Meddy) has died. It makes me so depressed to hear about someone I know having died.
Another thing - Johnnie Walker is back on Monday and he’s going to dedicate his show to Otis Redding. And I won’t be able to listen to any of it because of going to Covent Garden.
The Batchelors and the Carruthers came to dinner. Had gorgeous meal: prawn-stuffed tomatoes, veal Ardennaise, almond cake with lemon icing, and chestnut puree with chocolate on top. We all had turns on the Labyrinth - Daddy got to No. 60!
"It's like a dream... everyone was ecstatic"