The Observer on 'The New Society': "Pop has no demarcation lines. The Underground has produced a new kind of entreprenuer, who may run a pop group, write songs, design badges, and have an interest in a boutique at the same time."
S U N D A Y, 3 D E C
Lay in bed for ages thinking about Dutronc. Imagined sleeping with him, and loving him. I know I’m capable of falling deeply in love, and I so want to, I could be so happy. If he asked me out again I would cry for joy. I’m not being over-dramatic. I would.
Worked all day in my room.
After tea we went along to the Liveseys' exhibition – all the paintings have been done by all the members of their family! We bought a gorgeous glass ash-tray with a pink and silver design, made by Mrs Livesey.
The Observer Supplement was on the ‘New Society' – the Underground. There’s something about it which puts me right off. Everyone involved seems so unlike anybody I’ve ever met, they just don’t seem to care about commercialism. Everything's about LSD, and sex. I don’t even believe Jimi Hendrix is a great musician any more (not that I ever did) but it’s just sort of accepted that he is. I don’t even really see what’s so fantastic about the Sergeant Pepper LP, I personally prefer Adamo’s. I think they’re all terribly over-rated.
It's marvellous, ‘Mes Regrets’ is No. 7.
Saw Romeo and Juliet on TV – it was a really beautiful production. Romeo was a dreadful wet, he looked about 14; Thora Hird was super as the nurse. I never realised it’s such a sad play. I’m longing to see the film when it’s released.
Ma’s so nice: she says Chump and me can have special dresses for Covent Garden - ritzy ones! The only trouble is, I’d probably never wear it again.
Image: Sweet Jane blog