'La Belle France', published by Paul Hamlyn, 1964
F R I D A Y, 8 S E P T
Stayed in bed ages trying to get a vision of Dutronc.
First I did a bit of housework, then washed hair. Put it in the bag for once. It doesn’t seem to dry it any quicker but it does mean I can read at the same time. Started on ‘The Bell’ by Iris Murdoch. Toby is the nicest character, he sounds rather like Dutronc (his figure, anyway). It’s awfully good.
Felt a bit miserable in the evening, I’m so sick of staying at home. If only there was a youth club or something round here. The main trouble really is that I live so far from any friends.
When Ma and Pa went out to the Elston-Drews us two made a super supper – ‘savoury eggs’.
“We’ve decided to do some adventurous French cooking and once a fortnight to make the evening meal. ”
The first will be a recipe from Polnareff’s region, of course - it's called Entrecôte Bordelaise. I know the recipe off by heart, I've looked it up in Larousse, Elizabeth David and La Belle France. We're going to have apricot mousse for pudding. I'm longing to do it.
If only my hair was straight it really would be lovely as it’s thick and shiny, and the colour’s not bad either. When it gets a bit longer I think it’ll go straighter because the weight will hold it down.
'Your Witness' was on Trade Unions so I didn't watch.
Couldn’t get to sleep for ages – I was too excited. I thought about the 15th and Pye Studios and the thought of just seeing Polnareff made me practically squeak. I’m going to ring up Pye to ask for the address of the studios and what time etc he’ll be arriving.
I’m so terribly excited.
"Toby is the nicest character, he sounds rather like Dutronc (his figure, anyway)."