"Daddy looks so good in his blue jumper, it matches his eyes exactly."
W E D N E S D A Y, 1 N O V
I am getting absolutely fed up with this weather. It was so revolting today, windy with rain spitting everywhere.
For French grammar test I got 9/10 which I’m of course glad about, but I could see Miss Leopold was cross that I had. At the end she had to say, “you were the only one you know who didn’t give in La Fontaine, Ingrid.” I did 30 ½ hours of homework this week. Nineteen were French.
Lucy, Anya and me went down to town. Lucy got some tights at Dorothy Perkins, I bought some chocolate because got a sore throat.
Jill says Fiona (head girl) went on the Cruise last year and she was very glad they had to wear uniform on shore because in Venice the Italians are so absolutely awful. Just like Byron's reference to hot climates: “What men call gallantry, and gods adultery, is much more common where the climate’s sultry”!
Daddy looks so good in his blue jumper, it matches his eyes exactly. It struck me how young he looks for 44, his hair all ruffled and his eyes twinkling.