M O N D A Y, 1 0 J U L Y
Woke up very early and lay worrying about my legs. Made myself practically sick with worry. Told Mummy and Daddy who told me there was nothing to worry about, and after school I can go to the doctor’s. Still felt utterly miserable and spent the whole day worrying about all the things I might have, such as leukaemia.
Wonderful weather all day. Lucy and me lay down outside 'R' hut and I told her all about France. Then we did some pottery on the wheel but my pots went wrong (again) so I went along to the Hall and helped with scenery for the play. Joanna W and me started on this back bit of scenery she’s doing - terribly difficult but we got it right in the end.
After school Anya, Tig and me dropped into Rumbelows where we found Ame Caline!!! And that song about the fat lady he saw in a club is called Fat Madame!!!
“Anya and me couldn’t stop squeaking”
We asked them to put it on and went into one of the booths to listen. How adorable his accent is, and how staggering his yodelling!!! Saw Pa outside and dragged him into the booth with us. It's hilarious.
"You’re there sitting pretty, think you are a young girl, what a pity,
You are slightly plump and fifty-scree (53!)
Next Sunday.
Sexy gowns of satin tight around your waist, you look so fat in,
Nose up in the air you think they stare
They’re laughing.
Chocolates you eat them, raspberry jam and treacle you delete them
You are gaining weight, your corsets break
Around you."
At 5.30 Ma took me to the surgery at Borough Heath, but they told us to come back at 7.15. We went again but had to wait an hour. So deadly, but there was also a snazz waiting, which cheered me up a bit. At last we went in. Dr Ursula was so nice, and my mind is completely at rest: all I’ve got are after-effects of a sore throat!!! She’s prescribed me penicillin and the week off school.
Rumbelows electronics and music store, Epsom