T H U R S D A Y, 2 F E B
On the bus I asked Karen about Eric Burdon at Crackerjack. She said he was the best thing about it, though he never stopped jumping up and down!!! He's also very short.
Had Current Events again, and once more talked about the Common Market. Miss Kavanagh said that the whole attitude of the British people has got to change before we can possibly get industry moving again. Work is too slow. In Italy a man lays five times as many bricks as a British man in the same time. I often did wish we lived in a livelier country - it even shows in our pop stars, just compare the French ones to ours.
Did Tramp in PE - rather fun.
Jenny was saying how she adores Jacqui. Well, I can see see how anybody younger might think she's pretty well marvellous, but when you're her age she gets on your nerves, and her 'charm' is all showing-off and conceit.
Good programme on council building in this country, which is LOUSY - like everything else.
“The elusiveness of the Common Market”
De Gaulle, President of France, famously said 'non' to Britain’s request to join the big six - France, Germany, Italy, Holland, Belgium and Luxembourg. The ultimate 'non' was on 27 November. The reason for his refusal was the dreadfulness of British working practices.
Britain did join finally, in 1973. Now that the European Union is the world’s largest trading bloc, with 27 member states and 455m citizens, Britain is about to leave it.