Better than the book? Kenneth More as Joe Forsyte, Nyree Dawn Porter as Irene, Eric Porter as Soames
S A T U R D A Y, 1 0 J U N E
Pretty marvellous weather all day.
Ma, Pa and Chump went down to the boat, lucky things. Still, I had a rather nice day, and didn't feel at all lonely as I had so much work to do.
First washed my hair, then revised, outside of course. Finished France and looked through ‘La Belle France’ (which made my mouth water!). Went to the Reids next door and put my sheets on the spare bed. Had a fab lunch - roast chicken and raspberry mousse. Then it was so funny - Mr Reid said he'd read in the papers about this chap on the Whitsun weekend who left Yarmouth terribly early and woke everyone up and left all the boats uncast. Well, that was that man next to US!! Fancy it getting into the papers!!
Back home I revised Belgium, Switzerland and the Rhine Valley. It got terribly hot about 4pm. Remembered to put Rabbit away! Took my things back round to the Reids and we had supper - something fishy. Had coffee in the sitting room and talked about books. Mrs Reid went to Aberdeen University, I never realised - she did English, Spanish, Economics and Philosophy, and loved them. They both think The Forsyte Saga is terribly good but I read somewhere that it isn't, and that the TV production is a lot better.
I revised at the desk, and they went out for the walk with the dogs. Mrs Reid kissed me good-night, and I got to bed and did more revision.
“The Beginning of the Summer of Love”
The awkwardly named KFRC Fantasy Fair & Magic Mountain Music Festival took place 10/11 June 50 years ago on Mount Tamalpais in California. Bands included one or two legends: Smokey Robinson, Wilson Pickett, Jefferson Airplane, Canned Heat, Country Joe & The Fish, Captain Beefheart, The Byrds, The Doors.
Attended by 15,000 hippies and considered the first pop festival in history, it was eclipsed by Monterey the following week.
Jefferson Airplane