"I read this CRUMMY new magazine Intro". Forward to 1.05 for footage of Intro's trendy office.
T U E S D A Y, 1 0 O C T
Wore kilt and green jumper.
English was terribly interesting – Miss Gatley talked about how people felt about astronomy in Chaucer’s time because it’s important to get the background right. She says that probably the last greatest qualitative change in the world was when people had to get used to the idea of the world being round and revolving around the sun. And the next one will probably be when people have to get used to the idea that it is possible to destroy mankind.
Lucy and me decided not to go to the Glyn Dance. Then at lunch everybody talked about it, and Anya’s now got a ticket. So Lucy and me thought we might as well go. But when I got home Ma told me we’re going to the theatre on Thursday, and anyway, Joanna Wood’s coming for supper and it’ll be the only chance I’ll have to see her. In a way I’m relieved that I’m not going, but on the other hand I’m miserable because I’m the only one not going. It’s not that I’ll miss the fun of the dance – I’m sure I’d hate it.
“It’s that I must go to a dance sometime, and the sooner I get it over with the better.”
If only I could have forced myself to go to the dance I would have had a huge weight off my mind, but now I can’t go, it’s awful. I practically want to cry I’m so unhappy. To think of the 17 years I’ve wasted. Why doesn’t something fab happen. Why can't Mark ring me up and ask me to go out?
Read this CRUMMY new magazine Intro. There’s a whole story in it just about two boys who sleep with their girlfriends.
I hope there’s an all-sorts dance in November, I’ll definitely go to that. But I’m scared. I couldn’t bear it if a boy asked me out.
The slightly racy 'Intro' mag continued into the '70s.