One of 30 self portraits, this one painted in 1890, not long before he died, aged 47.
S U N D A Y, 1 4 M A Y
Kept on waking up last night. I was uncomfortable in the berth, the rain was very noisy and Daddy kept on snoring.
It rained the whole day, the most dismal weather, which made me feel dismal too, even more so than usual. I'll have to get out of this habit of feeling depressed. I have for days now and it's all because of my health, or worrying about my health.
Finished Diary for yesterday. Ma filled in the Log Book - the first entry! My mouth watered a bit.
On days like this it's a blessing not to have to get into a dingy to get to the shore, and all the bother than goes with it. We left early and went straight home.
After lunch Chump and me went for a walk to Ann and Johnny's - I couldn't have stayed in. It was nice to see them, but while we were there there was a thunderstorm and we had no umbrella so we stayed half an hour.
Got back and finished Social Problems in Australia!!! I could only find three: Housing, Migration and Aborigines.
At 10.20 we saw this beautiful programme on Van Gogh. I cried at the end it was so sad, he went mad out of disappointment and then killed himself. All he needed was a bit of encouragement and confidence. Living with Gaugin was disastrous. His brother Theo was devoted to him and he went mad two months after Van Gogh died. All his paintings were done in the last eight years of his life and he didn't sell one. I can't understand it. I would have bought them all.