S U N D A Y, 1 5 O C T O B E R
Didn’t go out once but did masses of work – ten hours in all!!!
Wore my hair loose all day, not in bunches. If I dry it behind my shoulders, getting it as straight as possible, I can make it look absolutely fab by putting a little behind my ears. But it's not long enough yet to stay there.
Did an advertisement on a postcard for my trouser suit. Priced the jacket at £3, the trousers at £2, and the skirt at £1.
Read a long article on Russia in the New Statesman. What sounds so nice about it is that everybody’s so well educated and cultured: they know more about Shakespeare and Byron than the average Englishman does.
“That’s what makes me sick of England – everybody’s so uncultured and dull.”
Evenings are deadly. Daddy does Amsterdam competition, Mummy knits, Chumpy moans about being bored and I write my Diary. It would be nice to go out with a boyfriend occasionally - I still think of Dutronc. I couldn’t bear it if he’s not there next year.
Chumpy got the bathroom into a dreadful mess which made me annoyed - does she realize it’s my bathroom too? Had such a scorching bath I had to get out in the middle of it to cool off (!) then got back in.
The advertisement for the trouser suit