"I don’t think anybody now realises how huge Jackie was. And what I think was a real coup, it was classless. Really posh girls read Jackie. Girls’ brothers secretly read Jackie. It was common currency” - Jacqueline Wilson, The Guardian
W E D N E S D A Y, 8 N O V
Wore same as yesterday, plus green socks.
Talked about Remembrance Sunday in R.I. I think it’s sentimental nonsense, we’ve got to stop it sometime, we might as well be remembering the men who died at the Battle of Hastings. It all comes down to killing people and I can’t see what’s so marvellous about that.
In Classical Background we got onto breathalyser tests. Some people are so against them and I can’t understand why. Really it depends what you think is important: the freedom of the individual, or the freedom of the group. You’re hardly free if drunken louts are allowed to drive around.
Lucy and Anya are so lucky, they’re going with Adrian and Malcolm to see stock-car racing at Wimbledon! It makes me so miserable. I especially mind about Adrian (Anya’s bound not to keep Malcolm very long). If I’d gone to Friday's party a boy would probably have asked me out, but I’ve a ghastly feeling that if it had happened I wouldn’t have been able to bring myself to go. I'd be just like I was with Dutronc.
“Oh heck, I hope I meet someone who doesn’t frighten me at Martha’s party. ”
I feel so dissatisfied with myself at the moment, and it’s making me so depressed. I wish I was part of the intellectual crowd, and I wish I had just one fab boyfriend. Then I could go out more, and I’d have a link with other interesting boys.
Read some Jackies, and concentrated solidly on French for the rest of the evening. Tried to speak French with Pa at supper. He said, "vous parlez à vacances et Dutronc?" He's always mentioning Dutronc!
Anya, Ingrid, Lucy