Photo: Sean Hansford
S A T U R D A Y, 9 D E C E M B E R
Before lunch Chump and me trudged up to the Heath to the 16th hole - with the sledge and skis!
The skiing was gorgeous but even better was carrying the skis home - it brought Austria right back. We pretended we were at The Post right up to lunch... gave our skis to George, asked Ma and Pa if they’d enjoyed their run, AND wondered if we’d see Dutronc at lunch - mad!
About 2.30 Ma took Chump and me to the school Bazaar. All my paper flowers had sold by the time we got there. We bought a few potted plants which I’m going to give to the Sixth Form Unit. Then walked down to Epsom and had tea at the Kenya Coffee place. I had a cream slice which consisted of a thick wad of cream, a chocolate nut sundae which was smothered in cream, and chocolate to drink with a blog of cream of top. Altogether, a bit too much!
When we came out it was snowing very heavily.
“Epsom looked like a film set... or maybe a Christmas card. ”
Everyone was going along, heads down, in the falling snow, hands thrust in pockets. It was perfectly lovely.
Parents went out. I spent most of the evening hemming my elephants. It’s now ten past one and I’ve been listening to Rosko. They keep having news flashes about the little boy kidnapped outside a school in Versailles today. There seems hope yet. The latest suspect is a 15-year-old boy who lives in the same road - they think it was done by an amateur. Emanuel’s father has just told reporters, “this will be your last night here; there’s a surprise in store.”
I do hope he’s found.