And the dreadful Balkan Sobranie
W E D N E S D A Y, 1 6 A U G
The sun broke through at times but on the whole it was rather miserable. The house was cold all day.
Got a letter at last from Lucy - she’d lost my address. Also cards from Tig and Martha. Starting writing to Lucy, mostly about the concert - then she rang me up! She doesn’t know whether she’s going to see Frédéric or not, he hasn’t written yet.
I put poppers onto my two new sleeveless sweaters so the bra straps don’t show. Listened to Radio Caroline - Robbie Dale was on. Honestly, he overdoes the love bit, he loses the whole point by being sloppy. Then read the New Statesmen. It's terribly interesting, but so high-brow I don’t understand it.
Mummy thinks Daddy needs to clear his throat too often nowadays. He says he's going to cut down on his pipe. He'd better - we all hate the smell of Balkan Sobranie.
Dutch Grandma phoned about presents for my birthday, but spent most of the time going into detail about the problems she’s had – Grandpa’s eye, John’s house!
I’m not really looking forward very much to tomorrow. I don’t want to be 17 one bit.
Johnny Walker (R) and Robbie Dale (L) stayed with Radio Caroline up until the day the ships were towed away, in March 1968