"They need only watch three or four times a week - just the worthwhile programmes."
S A T U R D A Y, 1 8 N O V
Spent whole morning in dressing-gown writing Diary for yesterday.
Had it out with Ma and Pa about Chumpy, at last. We had a dreadful argument all through lunch with floods of tears. But I’ve got it off my chest. I cannot bear her being so unwilling to help anybody much longer. It’s ridiculous I know, but the only reason I don’t help Mummy as much as I should, and as much as I'd like, is because I can't bear knowing I’m doing more than her. Anyway, we’ve decided we’re both going to make our beds and clean our shoes, and I’m to clear breakfast while she’s to clear lunch. We’ll take turns in laying and clearing dinner.
London Grandpa's 75th birthday - I wrapped up the dish I made for him. Wore new black dress and old school shoes hotted up with white ribbons - a real groove! We arrived at 3.15. Everyone else was already there. Karolina is very attractive, but she’s so sophisticated she makes me feel inferior, though she’s only 15. She's got the most gorgeous hair and wears a lot of make-up. She was wearing a fur coat most of the time, indoors, which Mummy thought was ridiculous.
We all had our photos taken by Guy, then had tea served by Jean-Paul. Such a drip, completely lacking in humour!
“Grandpa’s present from Wally, Dad and Roly is a Braun TV set.”
It's white, simple, and very beautiful. I think G and G are pleased with it though they’ve always been anti before. They need only watch three or four times a week, just the worthwhile programmes. We got presents too - mine was a plastic beach bag which blows up to a cushion. We left soon after tea as Daddy had to get back to the Amsterdam competition.
Had a gorgeous fire in the evening, roasted some chestnuts and played all our French records.
I wish I’d been asked to the party tonight.