Chump and Jane scaring the wits out of us
S U N D A Y, 1 9 F E B
Chump and Jane dressed up as witches! I read through Macbeth. Grandparents came about 12.
Rhys and Daddy had a very interesting argument on whether we're living in a declining civilisation or not. Up till now I've always thought we were, mainly because of Daddy, but really I can't see much basis to that argument. Rhys says there's never been so little real poverty before, science is progressing, and morals aren't getting worse. The only thing that's declining is art and music - but even that I'm not sure about. On top of that, everything is incredibly exciting.
Had a super whacking lunch, then all piled into the car and drove them to Epsom station. Went up to the platform and sadly said goodbye.
Mummy's now lost her voice, poor thing. Perhaps it's because she's so tired and not because of a cold - she has worked terribly hard this week-end. Had snack supper, and ate lots of truffles that Grandma brought. They stayed the night.
Listened to Juliette Greco record in the sitting room before bed. Honestly I adore 'C'etait bien'.